who we are

Lifestyles Property Services prides ourselves on being knowledgeable, available, and professional. Providing the highest level of customer service is our mission and our pleasure. We thank you for your interest and look forward to serving your community.

High Quality Standards

We feel that focusing on customer service is as important as property maintenance and accounting.

People First

We treat every interaction as an opportunity to make a great impression. We want all to feel heard and helped.

Tailored Solutions

We strive to tailor our management services to fit the needs of each Association.

Aligned Goals

We work closely with board members to develop policies consistent with the association’s goals, assessment collections, covenant enforcement and supervision of vendors.

We believe that satisfied homeowners are more cooperative and involved with their community.

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Experience the Difference!

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Why Work With Us

Choosing a professional management company to manage your association is a very positive step. However, the choices are many and, unless you have a good understanding of what is required, the Board or Committee will have a very difficult time making an informed and knowledgeable decision.

Our services are what sets us apart from the competition. Although many property management firms will perform some of these services, none have the staff, expertise and equipment to perform them as thoroughly and conscientiously as Lifestyles. Please use this information when creating the specifications for your professional property management company.